8 Items every Parent should have in their Car
Travelling with children isn’t always the most enjoyable task, but it can become much easier if you come prepared. To make your drive less distracting and stressful, consider investing in some of the items below. They aren’t too expensive, and are well worth the price of a more relaxing trip.
Toys and games
The happier your kids are, the happier everyone around them is. Bring some of their favorite travel games and toys with them, so they can stay preoccupied as long as possible. Try to change the games and toys every few months, as they will slowly get bored over time if you don’t. It’s also not a bad idea to bring some snacks with you, especially if you’re going on a long trip.
Car seat cover
If you don’t want your vehicle interior ruined, it would be wise to invest in a car seat cover. Kids are messy by nature, and can easily bring in crumbs, dirt and other unwanted debris into your vehicle. While every parent should ideally have one in their car, they are even more crucial for ones who allow food in the backseat.
Litter bag
If you don’t have a place to put unwanted wrappers and packages, they will likely be left in the backseat of your vehicle until you find them later on. Having extra bags on hand is always a good idea, especially if one or more of your children tend to get car sick.
Make sure to hold on to the bags yourself since they’re a choking hazard for infants.
Back seat protector
If your kids are big enough to reach the back of your seat with their feet, they may have a bad habit of kicking it with their dirty feet. To minimize the dirt stains, invest in a backseat protector.
Sun shade
Keep your kids away from the hot rays by buying a couple sun shades for your backseat windows. Children can become cranky when they become hot, so it’s best to find a way to keep them cool.
DVD player
This isn’t a necessity, but having a DVD player in your car can make life much easier, particularly during a long road trip. If you have the extra cash available, you won’t regret investing in one.
Cleaning Supplies
Unless your kids are mature beyond their years, they’re likely to make quite a mess if they’re eating in the backseat. Have a stash of baby wipes handy to clean up any spills, and have them wipe their hands with a wet-nap after eating.
Changing Pads
It’s always good to have a backup plan if your kids aren’t potty trained yet. These pads serve as portable changing tables, and can become a saviour during emergency situations.