
Car Tips for New Moms

Car Tips for New Moms
Having a child for the first time is an incredible experience for new Moms, but it can also create a lot of stress and worry. Here are some tips for new or soon to be moms on how to set up your vehicle for your baby.
First, purchase a car seat that is safe for your child, fits your vehicle well and is easy for you to use. You are putting your child in danger by not following all three of these steps. If you are worried about the safety of your car seat, you can check the installation with a local police officer or fireman.
It’s important to be prepared for emergencies so always have a first aid kid and blankets available in case something goes wrong. Also, be prepared for emergency changes, as it is very likely you’ll run into this situation.
If you are afraid of damaging your child’s eyes or skin from the sun, consider installing a weather screen to your window. Not only will this protect your child, but it will also reduce the whining/crying from having the sun in their eyes.
Patrick Britton – Guest Blogger