
How to Drive Safely in a Large Vehicle

How to Drive Safely in a Large Vehicle
Many people think that bigger vehicles are safer to drive in because of the size. However, since SUV’s and other large vehicles are much heavier, they can be harder to drive since stopping and changing directions is more difficult. If you’re new to large vehicles, read ahead to learn some tips on how you can become a better driver.
It’s important to watch out for smaller vehicles surrounding you. Since you’re in a larger vehicle, you may be able to see something that other drivers cannot which could put you in harm’s way without realizing it. Make sure you’re spaced far enough apart to give yourself time to break or change lanes in case of an emergency.
Note that even if you have all-wheel drive, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t slow down considerably in poor conditions. You are still driving a heavy vehicle which will make braking more difficult. Although you will have better grip, it will take a lot longer to come to a complete stop when there’s snow on the ground. Remember to increase your following distance and avoid any sudden movements.