
Hacks for Cleaning your Car this Spring

Hacks for Cleaning your Car this Spring
With the snow blissfully melting away and the weather heating up, there’s no better time than now to spring-clean your vehicle.  While cleaning your car may feel like a long and tedious task, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some hacks for freshening up your vehicle this spring:
Hack #1 – Use toothpaste to clean your headlights
As it turns out, toothpaste can clean more than just your teeth. Spread it around on your foggy headlights, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash it off. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with how well it works.
Hack #2 – Grab a toothbrush to get the gunk off your seats
If you already have toothpaste, you might as well grab your toothbrush while you’re at it. They may be designed for cleaning your teeth, but toothbrushes are the perfect size for getting the dirt that’s accumulated between your seats over the winter months.
And while they may work best between your seats, you can really use a toothbrush anywhere in your vehicle to get rid of any dirt and debris that your vacuum just can’t get to.
Hack #3 – Wash your windows with baby wipes
If you have trouble getting rid of the dirt and scum on your windows, have no worries. Baby wipes are the perfect cleaning product for your windows, working effectively to get rid of all the smear marks that have accumulated over the months.
Remember to roll your windows down a bit when you clean them. Otherwise, the top of the windows will still be dirty.
Hack # 4 – Use hair conditioner to give it some shine
If you want to give the exterior of your car the finishing touch it needs, grab some hair conditioner and get to work. It may sound a little silly, but conditioner will actually make your car look like it was just waxed.  Just remember to get conditioner that has lanolin in it.
Hack # 5 – Douse your wipers with rubbing alcohol
Streaking wiper blades are typically a sign that they need to be replaced, but they can still hold up if you clean them correctly. Take a bottle of rubbing alcohol, and douse your wipers in it. If they’re no longer leaving streak marks, you may actually be OK.
Hack # 6 – Clean your AC vents with a foam brush
One of the best ways to clean the dust that’s accumulated in and around your air vents is to grab a foam paint brush and run it between each of the slots. Doing this every month or so will make sure your AC is working to its full potential.
Hack # 7 – Freshen up your car with Q-Tips           
If your car has an odour that you just can’t seem to get rid of, you may need to clean one of the vents in your vehicle. Take a Q-Tip and scrub vigorously around the vent, making sure to get every nook and cranny.  It’s important to note that if there’s mold present, there’s no point in cleaning, and you should really replace the vent altogether.