
Help Portrait in Newmarket, Ontario

Help Portrait Newmarket Ontario Canada
Back in April of this year I was asked by Danielle Koren to join her team and help bring Help Portrait to Newmarket.  Danielle has a love for her community and photography so this event made perfect sense to bring her two loves together.
On December 8th, Help Portrait Newmarket  joined thousands across the globe with an event where photographers donate their time and talents to people who wouldn’t normally have access to them. In Newmarket, 50 volunteers, including professional photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists, as well as general volunteers came to the Newmarket Community Centre & Lions Hall to create rock star-worthy portraits for Newmarket residents. Together they provided 245 individuals with a portrait that touched lives.
We could not have done this without the generous support of our community.  This support from caring members of the community like Cardinal Golf and Country Club Annemarie Million, Tim Horton’s Jim Alexander, O’Malley’s Emidio Amicucci, The NewRoads Automotive Group, XE Inc,  Print Graphic’s, and The Awesome Foundation’s $1,000 grant made it possible to print all the portraits on-site. Over 400 portraits were printed between 10am and 5pm.
Big Thank You to our team of Volunteers…Meet the team!
It was very clear how much this event meant to our community.  It was truly an honour to be involved and look forward to 2013.
Mark your calendars: next year, Help-Portrait will be on Saturday, December 7, 2013.
For more information or to get involved visit
Kelly Broome-Plumley – Customer Relations Manager
The NewRoads Automotive Group
Help Portrait