Things you should consider before cosigning a loan If a family member or close friend is looking to secure their first car loan, they may be interested in finding someone to cosign the loan to inc...
Read MoreTips for improving your credit score Unless you want to spend a large sum of money in interest when you buy a vehicle, you’ll want to ensure your credit score is the best it can possibly be ...
Read MoreUnless you have the funds to pay for a vehicle with cash, you’ll need to secure financing (or a lease) whenever you purchase a new car. While this can be done after you’ve picked out ...
Read MoreMany car buyers get upset when they find out that they’ll be charged an administration fee with their deal. A common complaint is that they feel they are being ripped off or hustled by the de...
Read MoreWhen looking for a new vehicle, a very important decision you must make is whether to buy or lease it. Buying and leasing both have their advantages and disadvantages, so read ahead to find...
Read MoreAll CarProof reports contain 8 sections (report summary, report findings in chronological order, accident collision and damage details, lien status, Canadian registration and branding, stol...
Read MoreMany people are weary when they buy a vehicle from a car dealership because of rumours and stories they’ve heard over the years. However, the majority if not all of what they hear ...
Read MoreMany people are weary when they buy a vehicle from a car dealership because of rumours and stories they’ve heard over the years. However, the majority if not all of what they hear ...
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