
Tips for Drowsy Drivers

Tips for Drowsy Drivers
Countless accidents occur every year because drivers are too tired to pay attention to the road ahead of them and end up getting into a collision. If you are someone who tends to drive when they’re drowsy, read some of the tips below to help you avoid an accident in the future.
Collisions involving drowsy drivers are most likely to occur at night time or early in the morning when the driver is sleep deprived. Try to avoid driving late at night whenever possible, especially when you have the option of staying over at someone’s house. If you are constantly tired in the morning, either increase the amount of sleep at night or make sure you drink one of two cups of coffee before starting your daily commute.
If you’re in a tough situation and you have to drive home when it’s late at night, try and take a short nap (no longer than 20 minutes) before you hit the road to give you energy. If you don’t go into REM sleep, taking a nap will improve your alertness and keep you more focused on the road ahead.
Finally, if the passenger beside you isn’t drowsy, always give the wheel to them. Not only will this give you time to rest, but it will help reduce the chances of an accident occurring.