What Parents should know about LATCH
In 2002, vehicle LATCH anchors were made mandatory in most vehicles, as it was found that it was a safer and more secure method of attaching a child’s seat. LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) was designed to fix seat-belt incompatibles, but new updates may have parents switching back to seat belts.
The LATCH system is currently designed for a maximum weight of 65 pounds with the child and seat together. That means if your child seat weighs 25 pounds, the LATCH system is no longer safe if your kid is over 40 lbs.
Unfortunately, since most parents will soon realize that they can only use the LATCH system for a very limited time, they may decide to transition to a booster seat quicker. The problem with that is that booster seats are less safe, but are popular because they are easy to install.
Nothing is more important than your child’s safety so you should not simply pick the cheapest or easiest method when it comes to car safety. While the LATCH anchors will not last long, they are the safest option for the beginning of your child’s life, so you should strongly consider using it while you can.
Patrick Britton – Guest Blogger