Winter Road Trip Essentials
Now when I say winter road trip essentials I don’t mean that you should go all out and buy a bunch of things that you will only need in the most extreme situations (like the army), but it is a smart idea to have a few items that could help you out in a jam on the road, especially in the winter. I know that thought of having any sort of emergency happen to you is a very distant “that would never happen to me” thought. You think that until that it actually happens to you, so be prepared!
1. Updated Maps / Route
First things first if you are going on a road trip make sure that you have the most updated version of your maps and/or rout to your destination. You need to be aware of any road closures and weather conditions before you get on your journey.
2. Emergency Kit
Emergency kits come in all shapes and sizes and its up to you to customize that fits your driving needs. I recommend you stock the basics:
– Flash Light
– Jumper Cables
– Blanket
– First aid
– Basic Tools
– Scraper and Snow brush
Now these are just a starting point to keep you prepared and safe on the road.
3. CAA
Now CAA is sort of a bonus here. Doesn’t hurt to have a CAA membership incase you havn’t gotten around to getting your emergency kit all together yet.